Who We Are
UBB-CORE is a career guidance center for researchers that aims to make the field of research more accessible to Romanian society. The activities undertaken by the center aim to help the following categories:
- Researchers / PhDsi
- Students
- Pupils
- The Society
“Education is moving from darkness to light.”
Allan Bloom
Who are we speaking to!

Developing innovation capacity and increasing the impact of research.
The project aims to provide researchers with: high quality services in terms of career guidance, development opportunities through organized activities and also the opportunity to interact with renowned personalities from the world of research both nationally and internationally (Romanian, foreign). The career guidance services support PhD students, young and senior researchers, both nationally and internationally.

A knowledge-based student skills development model!
The project gives students the opportunity to get in touch with the field of research and receive career guidance services. Students are a little more familiar with the field of research than high school students, and a desire to get involved in research activities has emerged in some of them, but with the desire, feelings such as fear, anxiety, confusion can also arise. Through the career guidance centre, both undergraduate and masters students can have a much clearer view of the research field and the career opportunities that exist for researchers.

Personal development, a real need for pupils.
The project gives them the opportunity to better understand what the field of research entails, to get acquainted with science so that it becomes more accessible to them, and to broaden their perspective on the world and understand their importance in the process of promoting science in Romanian society and making research a field that is at the basis of Romanian development.
“Education is the ability to listen to almost anything without losing your patience or self-confidence.”
Robert Frost
Our Team